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Workplace coach

What does it mean to be a great workplace coach ? 

The word or term coach is much overused these days- it long ago found its way from the sporting world into organizational lingo and it has lost some crispness in the process.


There is a plethora of diverse services provided around the world under the banner of “coaching”.  At the same time, the world in which we find ourselves operating requires a new leadership dynamic which in many instances shares the same attributes as coaching. Namely, the delivery of ongoing quality dialogue and feedback to calibrate employee performance in real time; empowering the same employees to find their own solutions in their day-to-day work through trust and guidance rather than via “tell” and traditional objective setting; being the primary source of employee personal development through creating a rich and stretching work experience, supported by…. Coaching. The list goes on.


But how exactly should leaders coach in the workplace? How does this differ from coachee to coachee? When does a leader lead, manage and coach? How do you know when it’s right for one versus the other?

This 60 minute session with a highly experienced coach will not only shed light on these questions and more, but enable you to go away and start adapting your leadership style right away. This really is a leadership boot camp.


Dates will come soon
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