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Personal branding

Personal Branding 101: We all have a brand. What’s yours and how do you manage it with authenticity and impact?

The word brand has a lot of baggage. Not all of it good: It can be seen as nebulous and ephemeral. So, let’s call it reputation. In fact, let’s use the quote from Jeff Bezos, “your brand is what people say about you after you’ve left the room” When we look at brand this way, as our reputation, it has added and more pertinent meaning. We live in a highly networked and visible world. Many people reading this will be able to google themselves. So, accepting that we all have a reputational footprint, why wouldn’t we want to manage it? By managing I don’t mean PR - I mean authentically taking stock of how we come across, why, and what this means for our ability to get people to follow us and do brilliant work alongside us. It means if we want to be an inclusive leader do people trust us? To that point are we seen as open minded and non-judgemental? And in our highly networked world, how do we make sure people understand correctly, precisely who we are? Does our current reputation/brand not only leverage our ability to do our current job but the one we want to have next?

Getting to grips with your personal brand is not about fashion advice or over selling something that largely isn’t accurate. Personal brand is about addressing the gap between what you’re not but need to be. It is also about helping others understand who we are, so they don’t misinterpret our actions or behaviours and create their own version of our brand. Many reputations are created on misinformation because someone hasn’t had the time or the courage to explain precisely who they are. All vacuums are eventually filled. Let’s fill our own before others do it for us.

This 75 minute session is great for:

Anyone who genuinely wants to be the best leader they can be; who wants to approve how they come across (remembering 70% of all communication is non-verbal) and how they shape the environment around them for an increasingly diverse audience.

  • In a noisy talent market, ensuring that you take tangible steps to be visible to the right people – how to market oneself authentically.

  • Accepting that sometimes stress and pressure prevent us showing our best face - how do we manage that?

  • Getting to grips with your personal values – what you will and will not compromise on and then how to communicate this.

  • Growing the confidence to stand up for your values, using defined boundaries.


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